25ys of photography – events, people, gastronomy, food, culture and an intensive focus on all kinds of music styles: Meet the outstanding work of photographer Stefan Malzkorn, Hamburg (Germany).
Malzkornfoto at Hamburg, Germany offers a wide range of photographic images. Our archive is holding more then 500.000 digital images in stock:
music, arts, culture, feature photography, events, people, Hamburg, gastronomy and food-stills.
A Photographic Time Journey
And it is a journey into the history of music, stretching from Nirvana to Montserrat Caballe, from Loveparade to Bachfest Leipzig.
Meet the moments of an outstanding carreer.
Meet a „Rock’n’Roll“ – photographer who crossed borders, and who at the heart of his work himself was a performer on a daily live-stage.

Even if Stefan has withdrawn from active photography, his work remains. It helps that Stefan Malzkorn (apart from always having been a passionate photographer) always made journalistic demands on his work and actively accompanied the emergence of the new media in his hometown of Hamburg. This includes his demand for archiving and data security. Since 2006, Stefan has consequently standardized the keywording of his images and developed his online database, which is still in existence today.
Our Task
In the meantime, the main task of Malzkornfoto|Hamburg is to retrospectively record and standardize Stefan’s digital and analogue photographs and his publication material: a work that we assume will largely be completed by the end of 2023. This work will be exciting, for us and for you: A journey back in time to the early 90s, in a photographic diary that documented almost every day from 1991 to 2018. We document this journey through time on this website.
Stay Tuned!
If you want to get in touch with us:
Getting in Touch with Malzkornfoto|Hamburg
send an e-Mail via malzkorn(at)malzkornfoto.de or follow us on Instagram or Facebook.